About the Journal

Asian Multidisciplinary Research Journal of Economy and Learning (AMJEL)

Focus and Scope:
AMJEL publishes original research and review articles across a broad range of disciplines related to economy and education. We aim to foster interdisciplinary communication and provide a platform for scholars to disseminate their innovative ideas and findings.

Open Access Policy:
We follow an open access policy, ensuring that all articles are freely available to readers worldwide, promoting a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Copyright Notice:
Authors retain copyright of their work, while granting the journal the right of first publication. Articles are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Sponsorship Disclosure:
AMJEL is published by CV. ARGA FARMA. We are committed to maintaining high ethical standards and transparency in our publishing practices.

Established to provide a comprehensive platform for multidisciplinary research in the Asian region, AMJEL strives to contribute to the development and dissemination of scholarly work in economy and learning.

Our journal is included in the LOCKSS and CLOCKSS archiving systems, ensuring long-term preservation and accessibility of our published content.

Privacy Statement:
We respect the privacy of our authors and readers. Personal information collected through the journal site will not be shared with third parties without the consent of the individuals concerned, except as required by law.