Peer Review Process

The peer review process for the journal you've described operates under a Double Blind system, where both the reviewers and authors remain anonymous to each other. Here's a summary of the key steps:

  1. Initial Review:

    • Manuscripts are reviewed at least 2 days after submission to ensure they align with the journal's focus, scope, and author guidelines.
    • The submission must demonstrate scientific merit or novelty relevant to the journal’s scope.
    • Authors are encouraged to use plagiarism detection software before submission.
  2. Double Blind Peer Review:

    • Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two expert reviewers who remain anonymous to the authors.
    • Reviewers provide constructive feedback aimed at improving the manuscript's content.
  3. Final Decision:

    • The editors make the final decision on the acceptance of the manuscript based on the reviewers' comments.
    • The publication sequence of accepted articles is determined by the Editor-in-Chief, considering the acceptance date, geographical distribution of authors, and thematic relevance.

This process ensures a fair and thorough evaluation of submitted manuscripts while maintaining the confidentiality of both authors and reviewers.