Asian Multidisciplinary Research Journal of Economy and Learning
Asian Multidisciplinary Research Journal of Economy and Learning (AMJEL) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to advancing the fields of economy and education through multidisciplinary research. AMJEL provides a platform for scholars, researchers, and practitioners to share innovative ideas, findings, and experiences that contribute to the understanding and improvement of economic and educational practices in Asia.
Journal Title : Asian Multidisciplinary Research Journal of Economy and Learning Initials : AMJEL Frequency : Monthly E-ISSN : 3063-1424 Chief Editor : DR. Ir. Satia Negara Lubis., M.Ec Scopus ID: 57201378993 DOI Prefix : Publisher : CV. ARGA FARMA Accreditation : Google Scholar, Garuda, RePEc -
Argael Journal of religion and cultural studies
Argael Journal of Religion and Cultural Studies adalah jurnal ilmiah yang berfokus pada kajian interdisipliner tentang agama dan budaya. Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk memfasilitasi diskusi akademis yang mendalam dan inovatif tentang bagaimana agama dan budaya saling mempengaruhi dan membentuk masyarakat di berbagai konteks lokal, nasional, dan global.
Journal Title : Asian Multidisciplinary Research Journal of Economy and Learning Initials : ARGAEL Frequency : Bimonthly E-ISSN : 0000-0000 Chief Editor : DR. Ir. Satia Negara Lubis., M.Ec DOI Prefix : Publisher : CV. ARGA FARMA Accreditation : Google Scholar -
Interdisciplinary Journal of Medical Sciences
The Interdisciplinary Journal of Medical Sciences (INJED) is a premier, peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to fostering the integration and collaboration of diverse disciplines within the medical sciences. INJED aims to serve as a comprehensive platform for researchers, educators, and healthcare professionals to disseminate innovative research, share best practices, and explore new frontiers in medical science and education.
Journal Title : Interdisciplinary Journal of Medical Sciences Initials : INJED Frequency : E-ISSN : Chief Editor : DOI Prefix : Publisher : CV. ARGA FARMA Accreditation : Non Sinta